BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//51Ć·˛č - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for 51Ć·˛č REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20250309T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20251102T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T113000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201732Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223647Z SUMMARY:Cultivating Visible Thinking: Strategies for Engaging Classroom Discussions and Empowering Student Voices **IN PERSON** presented by Christina Vagenas\, Ph.D. - 8:30-11:30am DESCRIPTION:Discover innovative strategies to enhance student comprehension and discussion in your classroom. This professional development session\, inspired by the book Making Thinking Visible by Ron Ritchhart\, Mark Church\, and Karin Morrison\, will equip you with research-backed tools to foster deep thinking\, encourage student participation\, and make learning more visible in your classroom. Whether you’re looking to refine your current practices or explore new approaches\, this PD is a valuable opportunity to collaborate and grow. Audience: 6-12 Educators of ELA\, Science and Social Studies\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/cultivating-visible-thinking-strategies-for-engaging-classroom-discussions-and-empowering-student-voices-in-person-presented-by-christina-vagenas-ph-d-830-1130am/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T113000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201733Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223633Z SUMMARY:Math Coordinator Network Meeting - HYBRID OPTION - 8:30-11:30am DESCRIPTION:These meetings are designed for coordinators\, directors and administrators who have the responsibility of math supervision in their buildings or school districts. The latest information from Albany will be discussed\, local vendors will do brief presentations and information will be shared. A full breakfast will be provided. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow supervisors.\nHYBRID OPTION – Participate virtually or in person!\nCONSORTIUM MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE FOR ALL DISTRICTS – participation for up to 25 district teachers to attend math related workshops – 1 customized professional development workshop held in district – Includes all Math Coordinator Meetings\nPlease contact or for further information.\nPlease register INDIVIDUALLY for each meeting!\nEligible for 3 hours CTLE. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to meeting.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/math-coordinator-network-meeting-hybrid-option-830-1130am/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T113000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201733Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223609Z SUMMARY:SAT\, ACT\, PSAT Everything You Need To Know 3-Hour HYBRID Workshop facilitated by Tom Ehlers/Method Learning - 8:30-11:30am DESCRIPTION:-What are the most efficient ways to improve your ACT and SAT scores and how can you get the score you need to gain admissions to test-optional (aka test-preferred) schools? -What are the differences between the SAT and the ACT? -When are the best times to take the SAT and ACT? Can attend in person or virtually. Same registration.\nEligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1/2 consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/sat-act-psat-everything-you-need-to-know-3-hour-hybrid-workshop-facilitated-by-tom-ehlers-method-learning-830-1130am/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T190000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201732Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223541Z SUMMARY:Teaching ENL Students in the Content Areas and Utilizing Effective Strategies for Students with Interrupted Education (SIFE) **ONLINE** presented by Pamela Solomon-4-7pm DESCRIPTION:Participants will examine effective strategies to implement with teaching second language learners in the content areas. In addition\, we will examine several techniques to scaffold/modify lessons for SIFE students to improve their comprehension skills and improve their linguistic abilities. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use ½ consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/teaching-enl-students-in-the-content-areas-and-utilizing-effective-strategies-for-students-with-interrupted-education-sife-online-presented-by-pamela-solomon-4-7pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201732Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223522Z SUMMARY:AP Literature and Composition® Analysis Engagement Through Literary Lenses **IN PERSON** presented by Edward Schmieder - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:This full-day workshop promotes the opportunity to increase the number of lenses through which students can examine texts. The AP Literature and Composition® exam has been rooted in one literary analytical practice since its inception in the mid-last century: New Criticism or Formalism (as it’s now known). The redesign did not change this focus. Here a text is largely an artifact disconnected from history\, biography\, and society. The text is like a mechanical watch and the analytical reader is like a jeweler looking through a Loupe (jeweler’s lens)\, identifying each small component and knowing how they together make it run. This approach is numbing for most readers. In the context of the Lit exam\, it may work against a student’s earning the sophistication” point on an essay. Introducing students to some of literary lenses that are now available” for academic analysis\, is refreshing for student-readers. They spark individual interests and help prompt active student discussion. Students like options for engaging with texts; the analysis comes alive the task no longer a lifeless exercise in naming parts. Participants will have their chance to discuss some exemplar texts are enriched by seeing them through multiple lenses. Audience: New or Veteran AP English Lit Teachers and HS Teachers of AP Lit Bound Students Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/ap-literature-and-composition-analysis-engagement-through-literary-lenses-in-person-presented-by-edward-schmieder-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223459Z SUMMARY:Effective Secondary Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners Presented by Consulting That Makes a Difference **IN PERSON** - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:In recent years\, the increase of English Language Learners (ELLs) in our schools has required educators to look at their current teaching practices through a different lens. While teachers have faced the challenge of effectively teaching the ELL students in their classroom\, it has also provided an opportunity for educators to grow and learn. This hands-on\, interactive workshop will provide participants with strategies and instruction ideas tailored to meeting the needs of secondary English Language Learners. Audience: Secondary ENL Teachers\, Special Educators\, General Educators\, Administrators\nEligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1-1/2 Consortium seats. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/effective-secondary-teaching-strategies-for-english-language-learners-presented-by-consulting-that-makes-a-difference-in-person-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201732Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223401Z SUMMARY:Deeper Dive into New NYSED Earth and Space Sciences Investigations Session 1 - Unearthing Mars - A Historical Perspective **IN PERSON** Presented by Brian Vorwald - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Audience: Regents Earth Science teachers and science leaders Session 1 will provide participants the opportunity to explore and complete all facets of the regents ESS investigation Unearthing Mars – A Historical Perspective.” Participants will discover that this investigation is both an assessment and an opportunity for students to learn how in the early 1600’s Johannes Kepler devised a method to determine the location of Mars in its orbit around the Sun using data collected by Tycho Brahe in the late 1500s. They will see that the present day missions to Mars utilize the same principles of gravity and relative motion that were investigated by Brahe and Kepler. Participants will learn how this performance task is a component of a broad NYSED’s System of Assessment.” This and the other two ESS investigations provide authentic\, hands-on scientific and engineering experiences that allow students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills from the Learning Standards. Science teachers and administrators will deepen their knowledge of the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) with their expectations for three-dimensional student learning and how the investigations will prepare students for the 3-D scientific reasoning they will need to perform on the Earth and Spaces Sciences regents examination. ***Participants must bring paper copies of each ESS Investigation’s documents. These cannot be provided.*** **B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) – Participants should bring a fully charged laptop\, iPad\, or tablet to download resources and access websites throughout the workshop. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFor full description please view flyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/deeper-dive-into-new-nysed-earth-and-space-sciences-investigations-session-1-unearthing-mars-a-historical-perspective-in-person-presented-by-brian-vorwald-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201732Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223431Z SUMMARY:Exploring the Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education Framework: **IN PERSON** presented by Wendy Braxton - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Exploring the Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education Framework provides teachers with an opportunity to look at teaching through a cultural lens of learning and human development where diversity is acknowledged and celebrated. Diversity in the classroom is an asset for teaching and learning. Learning Outcomes: -Introduction to Culturally Responsive-Sustaining (CR-S) Education -Overview of the New York Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/exploring-the-culturally-responsive-sustaining-education-framework-in-person-presented-by-wendy-braxton-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T180000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223340Z SUMMARY:Fluent in AI: Prompt Engineering for Educators **VIRTUAL Workshop** presented by Aaron Langenauer - 4-6pm DESCRIPTION:Every AI interaction is a conversation – learn the language that gets results. This workshop will reveal the principles and techniques that transform your AI interactions from basic exchanges to powerful collaborations. In this hands-on workshop\, you’ll: 1. Understand how AI large language models think and respond 2. Apply field-tested prompting frameworks for classroom and administrative tasks 3. Transform AI from a tool into an intellectual partner 4. Leverage AI to both save time and expand your creativity 5. Empower your students to become capable AI users No technical background needed – just bring your curiosity and teaching experience. Whether you’re new to AI tools or already incorporating them into your classroom\, you’ll gain practical skills you can implement immediately. Equip yourself with the knowledge needed for the new world of education. The AI revolution is here – are you ready to become fluent in AI? Eligible for 2 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1/2 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/fluent-in-ai-prompt-engineering-for-educators-virtual-workshop-presented-by-aaron-langenauer-4-6pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T110000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223313Z SUMMARY:To Write Is To Think: Writing in Response to Reading Gr 3-8 **IN PERSON** presented by Mike Ochs - 8:30-11:30am DESCRIPTION:Help students craft thoughtful\, evidence-based responses to texts. This session focuses on independent writing about reading\, from note-taking and research to responding to prompts. Discover new strategies to enhance accuracy\, use of evidence\, and elaboration for improved student writing. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/to-write-is-to-think-writing-in-response-to-reading-gr-3-8-in-person-presented-by-mike-ochs-830-1130am/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223227Z SUMMARY:AI in Action: Transforming Teaching with Essential AI Tools **IN PERSON** presented by Leslie Dalis Watnik - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Dive into the power of AI to supercharge your teaching! In this hands-on workshop\, educators will explore essential AI tools like Google LM for podcasting\, Brisk for seamless presentations\, resources Diffit for dynamic content creations\, Slidesgo for presentation magic\, and more. Discover how these tools can streamline tasks\, enhance classroom creativity\, and personalize student learning. Leave equipped with practical tips and inspiring ideas to make AI an impactful part of your daily teaching toolkit! Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration; URL:/event/ai-in-action-transforming-teaching-with-essential-ai-tools-in-person-presented-by-leslie-dalis-watnik-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223248Z SUMMARY:Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics K-12 **IN PERSON** presented by Stacey Mooney - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:*A thinking student is an engaged student* Upgrade and Revamp Your Math Instruction for High-Yield Results\, Based on high-profile book by Peter Liljedahl Sparked by observing teachers struggle to implement rich mathematics tasks to engage students in deep thinking\, Peter Liljedahl has translated his 15 years of research into this practical guide on how to move toward a thinking classroom. Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics\, Grades K-12 helps teachers implement 14 optimal practices for thinking that create an ideal setting for deep mathematics learning to occur. This workshop will provide a full overview of the text and many easy-to-implement classroom practices to immediately heighten thinking and learning in every math classroom. Bring Your Own Device. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/building-thinking-classrooms-in-mathematics-k-12-in-person-presented-by-stacey-mooney-830-230pm-2/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T113000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223135Z SUMMARY:If You Can Write Well in Social Studies\, the Rest Is History Grades 3-8 **IN PERSON** presented by Mike Ochs - 8:30-11:30am DESCRIPTION:Help students make history meaningful through writing. This session explores integrating evidence-based writing into social studies\, guiding students to make research notes into strong informational texts and essays. Teach students to explain\, analyze\, and connect historical events with confidence. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/if-you-can-write-well-in-social-studies-the-rest-is-history-grades-3-8-in-person-presented-by-mike-ochs-830-1130am/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T190000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223102Z SUMMARY:The Blueprint for English Language Learners and Using Scaffolds and Strategies for Student Success **ONLINE** presented by Pamela Solomon - 4-7pm DESCRIPTION:Participants will explore the 8 Principles of the Blueprint for English Language Learners Success developed by New York State and how that affects the instruction of English Language Learners. In addition\, we will examine several techniques to scaffold/modify lessons for ELLs to improve their comprehension skills and improve their linguistic abilities. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1/2 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session. Pamela Solomon has recently retired after teaching English as a Second Language for the past 32 years. She spent 24 years at the elementary level and 7 years at the middle school level. Pamela is looking forward to sharing her expertise and wisdom with her participants.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/the-blueprint-for-english-language-learners-and-using-scaffolds-and-strategies-for-student-success-online-presented-by-pamela-solomon-4-7pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223042Z SUMMARY:Asking Better Questions to Encourage Better Questioning and Enhance Student Discourse **IN PERSON** presented by Jessica Gruttola - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:This workshop will explore using higher level questioning techniques to encourage the use of thinking strategies in the classroom. Participants will investigate the research of educators such as John Hattie and Kath Murdoch. Participants will explore the Depth of Knowledge and create questions to enhance the development of thinking skills. Participants will: -Reflect on questioning strategies utilized in the classroom -Explore questioning techniques such as Costa\, Bloom and Hess’s Depth of Knowledge -Apply newly acquired knowledge to create a plan of action -Discuss strategies\, participate in activities\, and apply newly gained knowledge to improve student questioning and discussion techniques Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/asking-better-questions-to-encourage-better-questioning-and-enhance-student-discourse-in-person-presented-by-jessica-gruttola-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T223014Z SUMMARY:The Science of Learning Symposium: Research\, Insights\, and Impact **IN PERSON** - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Discover the cutting-edge practices and transformative insights shaping literacy instruction today. This session is designed for educators\, administrators\, and literacy leaders committed to deepening their understanding of the Science of Reading and its classroom applications. Learn from nationally recognized experts\, engage in dynamic discussions\, and walk away with actionable strategies to improve literacy outcomes for all students. \n• Learn from Leading Experts: Gain invaluable insights from keynote speaker Natalie Wexler and other renowned literacy professionals. \n• Practical Applications: Explore research-based strategies for teaching comprehension\, writing\, vocabulary\, and more\, directly tied to the Science of Reading. \n• Network and Collaborate: Connect with fellow educators and thought leaders in literacy education. If you have any questions\, feel free to reach out to Dr. Christina Vagenas at *Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/the-science-of-learning-symposium-research-insights-and-impact-in-person-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222950Z SUMMARY:ADHD\, Executive Function & Behavioral Challenges in the Classroom Presented by Cindy Goldrich\, Ed.M.\, ADHD-CCSP *HYBRID* Workshop - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:This workshop gives teachers\, guidance counselors\, and school psychologists an understanding of the social and emotional impact that ADHD and Executive Function challenges have on learning\, motivation\, behavior\, and the family system. Upon completing this program\, participants will: -Have a functional and actionable understanding of Executive Function skills and what performance can be expected at different learning levels. -Learn valuable methods to manage problems with attention\, organization\, stress\, homework completion\, and test performance based on the latest brain research and evidence-based best practices. -Discover subtle changes in teaching methods and classroom structure to improve time management\, working memory\, motivation\, and emotional regulation that will benefit all children\, not only those with ADHD. This workshop provides practical tips\, tools\, and strategies to help students gain self-awareness\, self-direction\, and greater accountability that can be incorporated into everyday teaching and across the curriculum. Receive valuable handouts and resources for teachers\, parents\, and students to manage homework\, home/school communication\, study skills\, behavior\, and more. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval required prior to start of session.nFlyer: URL:/event/adhd-executive-function-behavioral-challenges-in-the-classroom-presented-by-cindy-goldrich-ed-m-adhd-ccsp-hybrid-workshop-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222924Z SUMMARY:NYSSLS Biology Refresher Plus 2 **IN PERSON** Presented by Glen Cochrane - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Audience: Regents Biology teachers and science leaders Are you implementing the NYSSLS-based Life Science: Biology? Wondering if it is different from Living Environment? This workshop will serve as a refresher for those trying to put the PEs\, SEPs\, DCIs\, CCCs\, and phenomenon-based learning into context as you work on a curriculum that is aligned with how students must learn for better retention and be prepared for how they will be assessed on the new Biology regents exam. The workshop’s focus is on participants continuing to develop a deeper understanding of how Regents Biology must use a New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) based curriculum. Students are expected to learn science by engaging in the practices and skills of scientists and engineers. There is content to learn\, but they will be expected to apply that content to novel phenomena\, scenarios\, and problems. They will construct their own understandings and build the capacity to demonstrate their knowledge in context with much less memorization of science facts. **B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) – Participants should bring a fully charged laptop\, Ipad\, or tablet to download resources and access websites throughout the workshop.\nTo view full description please see flyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/nyssls-biology-refresher-plus-2-in-person-presented-by-glen-cochrane-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250612T110000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201717Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222646Z SUMMARY:Elementary Math Coach VIRTUAL Collegial Circle facilitated by Stacey Mooney - 10-11am DESCRIPTION:New and experienced elementary math coaches/leads/admins alike are invited to join together once a month this spring to offer discuss\, elicit questions and offer advice about the following topics: -Initiatives that pertain specifically to K-5 mathematics instruction -Pros/cons and questions of curriculum\, tech\, and instructional resources and materials -Latest updates from NYSED -Scheduling structures and formats -CBT -AIS -MTSSi -Other various topics upon request Audience: Elementary Math Coaches\, Coordinators\, Administrators\, Lead Teachers Eligible for 4 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/elementary-math-coach-virtual-collegial-circle-facilitated-by-stacey-mooney-10-11am/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250328T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250328T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201717Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222632Z SUMMARY:Deeper Dive into New NYSED Earth and Space Sciences Investigations Session 2: The Sky is the Limit - Decoding Weather Conditions The Ripple Effect - The Work of Water Across NYS Surfaces Presented by Brian Vorwald - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Audience: Regents Earth Science teachers and science leaders Session 2 will provide the participants with an opportunity to explore in depth two regents ESS investigations\, The Sky is the Limit – Decoding Weather Conditions” and The Ripple Effect – The Work of Water Across New York State Surfaces.” Participants will discover how these performance tasks are a component of a broad NYSED’s System of Assessment.” These investigations provide authentic\, hands-on scientific and engineering experiences that allow students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills from the Learning Standards. Science teachers and administrators will deepen their knowledge of the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) with their expectations for three-dimensional student learning and how the investigations will prepare students for the 3-D scientific reasoning they will need to perform on. ***Participants must bring paper copies of each ESS Investigation’s documents. These cannot be provided.*** **B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) – Participants should bring a fully charged laptop\, iPad\, or tablet to download resources and access websites throughout the workshop. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFor full description\, please view flyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/deeper-dive-into-new-nysed-earth-and-space-sciences-investigations-session-2-the-sky-is-the-limit-decoding-weather-conditions-the-ripple-effect-the-work-of-water-across-nys-surfaces-presented-by/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250328T090000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250328T120000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201717Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222612Z SUMMARY:STEM Magic: Coding\, Fairy Tales\, and STEM for Young Innovators Grades K-2 **IN PERSON** presented by Leslie Dalis Watnik - 9-12pm DESCRIPTION:Join us for a hands-on workshop designed for educators teaching primary grade students (K-2). Discover how to build a strong STEM and coding program that fosters computer science and digital literacy in young learners. Participants will explore age-appropriate coding challenges using fun robots\, creative STEM activities inspired by fairytales\, and building block design projects that incorporate the Engineering Design Process. Learn how to seamlessly integrate literacy with STEM while engaging students’ imaginations through playful\, authentic challenges. Leave with innovative ideas to bring story-driven STEM adventures to your classroom! Eligible for 3 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1/2 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/stem-magic-coding-fairy-tales-and-stem-for-young-innovators-grades-k-2-in-person-presented-by-leslie-dalis-watnik-9-12pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250401T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250401T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201717Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222545Z SUMMARY:Deeper Dive into New NYSED Biology Investigations-Session 1-For the Birds and Balancing Act **IN PERSON** Presented by Glen Cochrane-8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Audience: Regents Biology teachers and science leaders Session 1 will allow the participants to explore two Investigations\, For the Birds and Balancing Act”. Participants will discover how these performance tasks are a component of a broad NYSED’s System of Assessment”. These provide authentic\, hands-on scientific and engineering experiences that allow students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills from the Learning Standards. Science teachers and administrators will deepen their knowledge of the New York State Science Learning Standards (NYSSLS) with their expectations for three-dimensional student learning and how the investigations will prepare students for the 3-D scientific reasoning they will need to perform on the Life Science Biology regents examination. Included will be: \n• Demonstration of how the investigations align with the NYSSLS; \n• Suggestions for embedding the investigations in a NYSSLS-aligned curriculum; \n• How the investigations are an assessment of student learning; \n• A hands-on experience with the investigations; \n• An opportunity to collaborate on strategies for successful implementation **Participants must bring paper copies of each Biology Investigation’s documents. These cannot be provided. **B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) – Participants should bring a fully charged laptop\, Ipad\, or tablet to download resources and access websites throughout the workshop. Sessions 1 and 2 are intended for educators who have not attended a workshop on Biology investigations. However\, educators who have attended a past investigation workshop and want to attend either session or both sessions to have another hands-on experience and develop a deeper understanding of the intent of the investigations are welcome. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 consortium seat.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/deeper-dive-into-new-nysed-biology-investigations-session-1-for-the-birds-and-balancing-act-in-person-presented-by-glen-cochrane-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250401T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250401T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201717Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222528Z SUMMARY:From Challenge to Success: Best Practices in Teaching English Language Learners with Disabilities Presented by Consulting That Makes a Difference **IN PERSON** - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:This workshop is designed to equip educators with effective strategies and best practices for teaching English Language Learners (ELLs) with disabilities. Inclusive education is crucial in today’s diverse classrooms\, and this workshop aims to provide practical tools to support both language acquisition and the unique needs of students with disabilities. Participants will explore a variety of instructional approaches tailored to the diverse learning styles and abilities present in ELLs with disabilities. Through interactive discussions and hands-on activities\, attendees will delve into topics such as differentiated instruction\, assistive technology\, accommodation and modification strategies\, and fostering a supportive learning environment. Audience: ENL Teachers\, Special Educators\, General Educators\, Administrators Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1-1/2 Consortium seats. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/from-challenge-to-success-best-practices-in-teaching-english-language-learners-with-disabilities-presented-by-consulting-that-makes-a-difference-in-person-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222432Z SUMMARY:Stepping into NYSSLS **IN PERSON** presented by Alyssa Weisenstein - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Feeling overwhelmed with a switch to NYSSLS? If you said yes\, then you need this training designed for NY teachers. In this training we will… -Overview 3-dimensional teaching & learning (for teachers & students) -Identify and locate good phenomena -Follow the path from phenomena to driving questions to investigations -Revamp an existing lab so it is student-driven -Observe and experience scaffolding strategies for the SEPs -Create 3-dimensional assessment questions This is not a sit-and-get” training. Be ready to experience and create resources. Audience: science teachers\, grades 6-12 (all science disciplines) Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1-1/2 Consortium seats. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/stepping-into-nyssls-in-person-presented-by-alyssa-weisenstein-830-230pm-2/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222503Z SUMMARY:I Got This: Developing Supports and Interventions for Problematic Classroom Behavior **IN PERSON** presented by Michelle Levy - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Promoting healthy and safe learning environments where students can receive the instruction and other supports they need to learn and achieve at high levels is one of the primary responsibilities of each school. Research has suggested that teachers and other school personnel often have received inadequate training in the understanding and management of problematic student behavior. This circumstance has often made both teachers and clinicians alike feel helpless in the development of successful responses to these behaviors. It is therefore important for educators to take advantage of the use of researched based behavioral science approaches. Figuring out the reasons behind a behavior is critical for the development of an appropriate response or intervention. By understanding that behavior is a form of student communication that is purposeful\, interactive\, predictable\, and learned through the visual representation of a behavior chain or pathway\, teachers and clinicians can become better equipped with the skills necessary to manage behavior effectively and efficiently. In this session\, participants will learn how to independently develop behavior interventions through a process that determines why a student engages in behaviors that impede learning and that are related to the classroom environment. Thinking about the circumstances and factors surrounding a behavior in a systematic manner will help teachers set up and manage their classrooms in a proactive and positive way. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 Consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFor full description please view Flyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/i-got-this-developing-supports-and-interventions-for-problematic-classroom-behavior-in-person-presented-by-michelle-levy-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222404Z SUMMARY:Engaging Students with Desmos for NEW USERS **ONLINE** presented by Andy Malbouef - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:The Desmos activity platform is a free digital platform that allows math teachers to engage and interact with their students. Simply\, it’s a sequence of screens\, each with a different task\, prompt\, or question. The screens in each activity can be as simple or sophisticated as the teacher desires. Purpose Desmos has a mission that says it’s goal is to help every student learn math and love learning math”. This involves far more than just simply solving math problems and inputting answers. Activities ask students to: -Make connections between scenarios they encounter and mathematical ideas. -Look for patterns and represent those patterns mathematically. -Take chances\, make mistakes\, and adjust their thinking based on those mistakes. -Ask questions and share misconceptions in a safe environment. Workshop Objectives -Familiarize teachers with Desmos calculators\, which are now available to use on NY Regents assessments as well as embedded in the new digital SAT (2024). -Practical ways to teach lessons using Desmos calculators and activities. -Proven techniques to employ to get students to engage in lessons. -Addresses all levels of teacher familiarity\, from beginners to experienced users. -Strategies to improve the depth of student thinking using the Desmos platform. -Practical ways to create and use Computation Layer to add engagement to your lessons. Computation Layer is the code that allows the components within activities to talk” to one another. It lets you connect representations\, customize content\, and provide dynamic\, interpretive feedback. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session. Virtual workshop. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION\, PLEASE VIEW FLYER:\nRegistration; URL:/event/engaging-students-with-desmos-for-new-users-online-presented-by-andy-malbouef-830-230pm-2/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T113000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222311Z SUMMARY:Science Coordinator Network Meeting **IN PERSON** facilitated by Mary Loesing & Joyce Barry - 8:30-11:30am DESCRIPTION:PLEASE REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY PER MEETING!\nThese meetings are designed for coordinators\, directors and administrators who have the responsibility of science supervision in their buildings or school districts. The latest information from Albany will be discussed\, local vendors will do brief presentations and information will be shared. A full breakfast will be provided. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow supervisors.\nCONSORTIUM MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE FOR ALL DISTRICTS \n• participation for up to 25 district teachers to attend science related workshops \n• 1 customized professional development workshop held in district \n• Includes all Science Coordinator Meetings Please contact or for further information. Eligible for 3 hours CTLE per meeting\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/science-coordinator-network-meeting-in-person-facilitated-by-mary-loesing-joyce-barry-830-1130am/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222252Z SUMMARY:I Got 99 Problems: Teaching Problem Solving in Mathematics Classrooms **IN PERSON** presented by Phil Dituri\, Ph.D. - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:It is commonly agreed upon that learning to be a good problem solver is an essential aspect of being a good mathematician. To that end\, teaching your students to be good problem solvers is at the heart of good mathematics teaching. Unfortunately\, problem solving is often left aside in the mathematics classroom. This is frequently due to curricular pressures and a fear of the unstructured nature of problem solving. In this workshop you will explore intriguing problems from various mathematical disciplines as well as several strategies and ideas that will help you teach your students to be successful problem solvers. In addition to solving these problems\, we will also explore the group dynamics\, routines\, and structures needed for facilitating problem solving in your own classroom. **Open to all MS and HS Mathematics Educators** Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1 consortium seat. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/i-got-99-problems-teaching-problem-solving-in-mathematics-classrooms-in-person-presented-by-phil-dituri-ph-d-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222225Z SUMMARY:Engaging Students with Desmos EXPERIENCED USERS **ONLINE** presented by Andy Malbouef - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:The Desmos activity platform is a free digital platform that allows math teachers to engage and interact with their students. Simply\, it’s a sequence of screens\, each with a different task\, prompt\, or question. The screens in each activity can be as simple or sophisticated as the teacher desires. Purpose Desmos has a mission that says it’s goal is to help every student learn math and love learning math”. This involves far more than just simply solving math problems and inputting answers. Activities ask students to: -Make connections between scenarios they encounter and mathematical ideas. -Look for patterns and represent those patterns mathematically. -Take chances\, make mistakes\, and adjust their thinking based on those mistakes. -Ask questions and share misconceptions in a safe environment. Workshop Objectives -Familiarize teachers with Desmos calculators\, which are now available to use on NY Regents -assessments as well as embedded in the new digital SAT (2024). -Practical ways to teach lessons using Desmos calculators and activities. -Proven techniques to employ to get students to engage in lessons. -Addresses all levels of teacher familiarity\, from beginners to experienced users. -Strategies to improve the depth of student thinking using the Desmos platform. -Practical ways to create and use Computation Layer to add engagement to your lessons. Computation Layer is the code that allows the components within activities to talk” to one another. It lets you connect representations\, customize content\, and provide dynamic\, interpretive feedback. Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session. FOR FULL DESCRIPTION\, PLEASE VIEW FLYER:\nRegistration: URL:/event/engaging-students-with-desmos-experienced-users-online-presented-by-andy-malbouef-830-230pm-2/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T083000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T143000 DTSTAMP:20250314T031447 CREATED:20250306T201716Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250306T222156Z SUMMARY:Stepping into NYSSLS **IN PERSON** presented by Alyssa Weisenstein - 8:30-2:30pm DESCRIPTION:Feeling overwhelmed with a switch to NYSSLS? If you said yes\, then you need this training designed for NY teachers. In this training we will… -Overview 3-dimensional teaching & learning (for teachers & students) -Identify and locate good phenomena -Follow the path from phenomena to driving questions to investigations -Revamp an existing lab so it is student-driven -Observe and experience scaffolding strategies for the SEPs -Create 3-dimensional assessment questions This is not a sit-and-get” training. Be ready to experience and create resources. Audience: science teachers\, grades 6-12 (all science disciplines) Eligible for 6 hours CTLE credit. Can use 1-1/2 Consortium seats. If district pays\, district approval must be confirmed prior to start of session.\nFlyer:\nRegistration: URL:/event/stepping-into-nyssls-in-person-presented-by-alyssa-weisenstein-830-230pm/ CATEGORIES:Instructional Support Services Full Calendar END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR